



个人简介:山东青岛人,2009年上海生化细胞所获理学博士,之后赴日本理化学研究所进行博士后研究, 2013-2021年大连医科大学工作,2021年加入南­­通大学医学院。以第一或通讯作者在PNAS, Chemical Engineering Journal, Materials and Design, Nucleic Acids Research, Plos Genetics, Genetics, Cell cycle等国际知名学术期刊发表SCI研究论文11篇,参编英文论著1部。获辽宁省自然科学学术成果一等奖及大连市优秀科技成果二等奖。辽宁省医学会医学遗传学分会青年委员会副主任委员。担任国家自然科学基金,波兰国家科学中心项目评审专家担任Cell CycleInternational Journal of Biological MacromoleculesFrontiers in Molecular Biosciences, Macromolecular Research等期刊审稿人。



1. Xu, Qi, Liu, Jun, Du, Xiao, Xue, Di, Li, Dong#, and Bi, Xiaolin#. Long noncoding RNA CR46040 is essential for injury-stimulated regeneration of intestinal stem cells in Drosophila. Genetics, (2023). (共同通讯) (中科院2区,IF: 4.4)

2. Wang, Hui, Yin, Fangchao, Li, Zhongyu, Su, Wentao, and Li, Dong. Advances of microfluidic lung chips for assessing atmospheric pollutants exposure. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL 172, (2023). (中科院1区,IF: 13.4)

3. Lei, Lanjie, Wang, Xiangguo, Zhu, Yulin, Su, Wentao, Lv, Qizhuang, and Li, Dong. Antimicrobial hydrogel microspheres for protein capture and wound healing. Materials and Design 215, (2022). (中科院1区,IF: 9.4)

4. Dong, Li, Ying, Ge, Ze, Zhao, Rui, Zhu, Xiang, Wang, and Xiaolin, Bi. Distinct and Coordinated Regulation of Small Non-coding RNAs by E2f1 and p53 During Drosophila Development and in Response to DNA Damage. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 9, (2021): 695311. (中科院2区,IF: 6.1)

5. Lanjie Lei; Yulin Zhu; Xinyun Qin; Senlin Chai; Guixiu Liu; Wentao Su; Qizhuang Lv; Dong Li, Magnetic biohybrid microspheres for protein purification and chronic wound healing in diabetic mice, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 425: 130671. (中科院1区,IF: 16.7 )

6. Li, Zhongyu*; Li, Dong*; Guo, Yaqiong; Wang, Yaqing; Su, Wentao, Evaluation of hepatic drug-metabolism for glioblastoma using liver-brain chip, Biotechnology Letters, 2021, 43(2): 383-392. (共同第一) (中科院4区,IF: 2.7)

7. Zhaoxia Dai*; Dong Li*#; Xiao Du; Ying Ge; Deborah A. Hursh; Xiaolin Bi#, Drosophila Caliban preserves intestinal homeostasis and lifespan through regulating mitochondrial dynamics and redox state in enterocytes, PLoS Genetics, 2020, 16(10): e1009140. (共同通讯) (Nature Index, IF: 5.9)

8. Li Dong; Bi Xiaolin, Effect of Teratogens on Development of Drosophila melanogaster., Methods Mol Biol, 2018, 1797: 233-241.

9. Song, F*; Li, D*#; Wang, Y; Bi, X#, Drosophila Caliban mediates G1-S transition and ionizing radiation induced S phase checkpoint, Cell Cycle, 2018, 17(18): 2256-2267. (共同通讯) (中科院3区,IF: 3.3)

10. Li Dong; Liu Yanling; Pei Chunli; Zhang Peng; Pan Linqing; Xiao Jing; Meng Songshu; Yuan Zengqiang; Bi Xiaolin, miR-285-Yki/Mask double-negative feedback loop mediates blood-brain barrier integrity in Drosophila, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017, 114(12): E2365-E2374. (Nature Index, IF: 9.7)

11. Zhu, Ye*; Li, Dong*; Wang, Yadong; Pei, Chunli; Liu, Song; Zhang, Lei; Yuan, Zengqiang; Zhang, Peng, Brahma regulates the Hippo pathway activity through forming complex with Yki-Sd and regulating the transcription of Crumbs., Cellular Signalling, 2015, 27(3): 606-613. (共同第一) (中科院2区,IF: 4.2)

12. Seong, Ki-Hyeon; Li, Dong; Shimizu, Hideyuki; Nakamura, Ryoichi; Ishii, Shunsuke, Inheritance of Stress-Induced, ATF-2-Dependent Epigenetic Change, Cell, 2011, 145(7): 1049-1061. (Nature Index, IF: 32.4)

13. Li, Dong; Da, Liang; Tang, Hong; Li, Tsaiping; Zhao, Mujun, CpG methylation plays a vital role in determining tissue- and cell-specific expression of the human cell-death-inducing DFF45-like effector A gene through the regulation of Sp1/Sp3 binding., Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, 36(1): 330-341. (中科院1区,IF: 6.3)

